The war created new challenges for Ukrainians. Many organizations faced the problem of funding. Donations are unstable sources. Obtaining grants is a complex and not always efficient process.
Therefore, our team has decided to assist within its expertise. We want to use our many years of experience in the project approach for the benefit of organizations that create socially meaningful initiatives.
We understand that work on restoring the country will only begin after the victory. Now, however, we want as many people as possible to understand that there are opportunities to receive consulting, financial, and other types of grant support.
Lack of experience or expertise in your organization is not an obstacle. UPA will cover all needs when creating a grant application or launching a fundraising or crowdfunding campaign.
We conduct a full audit of the organization’s current activities. It helps us adapt the direction of the client’s activities to the grant project. This way, we can immediately “hit” potential donors' goals, missions, and tasks.
Next, we prepare a grant project. The UPA employee involved in its creation practically becomes a member of the partner’s team: She or he is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the project — that is, for the final result. She or he controls all necessary documents, compliance with deadlines, and transparent reporting.
From “A” to “Z,” we accompany our partners at every step.